Top 10 Memorable Images Of Princess Margaret Over The Years – Health & Fitness Articles

Top 10 Memorable Images Of Princess Margaret Over The Years

Renold Rajan

Top 10 Memorable Images Of Princess Margaret Over The Years

Princess Margaret, the Countess of Snowdon—a woman known for her controversial life choices. Choices, which today seem commonplace, but shook the Church of England when Princess Margaret was a young girl.

Often overshadowed by the Queen of England, who so happens to be her elder sister, Princess Margaret still holds a place of her own in the annals of British Royalty.

Top 10 Images Of Princess Margaret:

Here are few of the best images of the late countess:

1. Youth and beauty never go out of fashion and this black and white photo of Princess Margaret proves just that. She is captured here in all her glory, beauty, confidence and beauty that no word can describe or do justice to. This photo is a gentle reminder of the beauty, elegance and class that Princess Margaret stood for and represented.

2. Countess of Snowdon, Princess Margaret Windsor seems to pose for a photo for the official records in all her beauty, elegance and grace as was the norm of the days. She exudes confidence and control in a manner that makes her worthy of the title princess. She also looks a little forlorn in this photograph, yet she manages to boggle the viewer with her glamour and poise.

3. Most women, no matter how their life’s events unfold or how their story is told ever wants to miss the chance to have a family. The women of the royal family are no different and they fill in the shoes of responsibility with equal ease and responsibility along with making time for their children. Seen here with her son, Viscount Linley, husband and little daughter Lady Sarah Armstrong Jones during the latter’s baptism.

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4. While Princess Margaret was known to the world as the sister of Queen Elizabeth, she managed to make her own standing in the world as well. Seen here is adding life to a dress from the fashion house of Dior. She was especially shown this special piece, which makes it clear that she had a say and influence on the fashion of her days.

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5. While black and white photography adds charm to the bygone days, this image of Princess Margaret stands out to show that opulence, abundance and the bounty around her kept the child like innocence and her womanhood alive. She looks exquisite and beautiful in this photograph. Seen here wearing the famous pearl necklace gifted to her by her Grandmother, Her Majesty Queen Mary. Princess’ Margaret fondness for the pearl necklace was well known.

6. A close up image of the princess shows her deep and beautiful eyes, a well cut nose and high rise cheeks that made her a beauty to any onlooker. She is seen here with minimalistic make up, which adds to her looks with right attitude and little jewelry.

7. Princess Margaret is seen here inspecting the troops in Kenya and taking an official salute. This shows her keen interest in politics and  happening in the world during her time. It also goes on to show that she was a women who would give equal diligence to all areas of her work and life, personal , professional and official.

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8. In one of the rare photographs, Princess Margaret is seen here with her sister, Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth. This photograph was taken at one of the plays where Queen Elizabeth played the role of Alladin and offers a closer look at the relationship the two sisters’ share. Princess Margaret looks relieved.

9. Seen here on the front page of the TIME magazine. This picture shows just how much of a presence and influence Princess Margaret had during her time.

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10. No matter how old we grow, the days gone by, the days of our childhood fills us with nostalgia and a smile. Seen here with her elder sister at some official celebration, lost in thought and in conversation with her sister, proving to the world that some bonds stay strong and cannot be broken with time.

Princess Margaret is no longer with us. But I am sure she looks down from the heavens above and smiles a little when she sees the wild young girls of today. She too was one in her heyday!

Hope you liked all these princess Margaret photos! Which image do you think reflects Princess Margaret’s personality the best? Share your views with us in the comments section below.

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